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Our first full year as The Impact Company is in the books and it has been quite the ride!

On 22 September 2022, The Impact Company invited friends, family,  partners and clients to join us in celebrating our first year in business at Factory Berlin. 

The Impact Company cordially invites you to celebrate our  1-year Anniversary on Thursday, September 22! 

Join us at Factory Berlin and experience a curated networking event including a 

Panel Discussion with industry experts talking about “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in a Post-Pandemic Era”, a Partner Spotlight and Live Music. 

We are looking forward to an evening with you full of reflection about the global progress that's been made towards the most ambitious and inspiring visions of an inclusive future.

We are grateful that our partner Factory Berlin is teaming up with us, and hope you can join us for this milestone celebration. Without you, it won’t be the same! 

Learning about Diversity, Equity & Inclusion should start as early as possible. This is why The Impact Company was more than thrilled to work with the German International School in Silicon Valley in California in June. We spoke to all stakeholders, including staff, parents, middle and high school as well as kindergarten students. 

Yolanda Rother, Mitgründerin von The Impact Company, wurde auf den emotion Women’s Day eingeladen. Auf dem Panel “Bridging the Gaps in Tech” sprach sie mit Katharina Beitz, Constanze Osei, und Dajana Eder über strukturellen Wandel, Unconscious Bias und wie Unternehmen stärker in Diversity investieren können. Mehr dazu im Interview mit Katharina Beitz.

Learning about Diversity, Equity & Inclusion should start as early as possible. This is why The Impact Company was more than thrilled to work with the German International School of Silicon Valley in California in June. Read more about our time in the US here.

The Impact Company wurde vom Berliner Ensemble beauftragt, das Stück "Der Diener zweier Herren" des Regisseurs Antú Romero Nunes, basierend auf dem Originalstück von Carlo Goldoni aus dem Jahr 1746, rassismuskritisch zu bewerten. Welche Erkenntnisse es in der Zusammenarbeit gab, kann hier gelesen werden.

The Impact Company is a diversity consulting business founded in 2021 in Berlin, Germany. Our mission is to align the  goals, strategies and execution of organisations, businesses and clients with increased economic participation of BIPoC (Black, Indigenious and People of Color), benefitting both people and organisations.